Meet Who's Driving

Kyle Fauber
Kyle is a versatile writer, director, and producer who loves making audiences laugh. Having worked on scripted, unscripted, sports, and YouTube entertainment, he is well versed in all aspects of production. He is also an accomplished film and TV composer with a background in jazz studies.
Caleb Turner
Caleb has been working in post-production for National Geographic over the past few years. A huge cinephile & coming from an improv & sketch comedy background, he’s excited to combine his technical expertise with a unique theatrical flair in future Who’s Driving? creations.
WDP 101
We first met through mutual friends in middle school - Kyle was a year younger than I (Caleb), but he was neighbors with one of my good friends. We then became good friends through extracurriculars throughout high school - we were both heavily involved in marching band, jazz band, choir, theater, and speech & debate. We also shared an early love of being creative behind a camera - throughout high school, we created sketch comedy videos with our friends to post on YouTube.
Our first big short film project came after high school when I wrote and directed a horror short called "The Projection" that was set in the projection rooms of an old local movie theater that I used to work at. Kyle was DP and editor on the project. The rooms had barely been cleaned and held graffiti going back decades - it was the perfect setting for a movie-themed ghost story. We shot it during the off-hours, which for this theater meant coming in past midnight and staying until 4am. On some days, I would work at this theater from 10am to 8pm, grab a quick bite and storyboard the night's shoot, shoot until 4am, and then get home to catch some sleep before repeating the process the next day. It was a labor of love, and it taught us a lot about filmmaking.
We both knew that we wanted to pursue careers in media, but we went our separate paths as I went to William & Mary and Kyle attended James Madison University. Throughout undergrad, I continued my creative pursuits by auditioning for a campus sketch & improv group, securing production internships at C-SPAN and Jing-A Brewing Co. in Beijing, and producing music and music videos for musicians on campus. Kyle continued with the saxophone, playing in jazz ensembles and the marching band, eventually becoming drum major for both the Marching Royal Dukes and Spirit of Atlanta, a world-class drum corp. He also produced music videos and short films while pursuing his media degree.
I was Class of 2020, but I was lucky enough to graduate school a semester early and secured a job at National Geographic as an Assistant Editor for the TV show The Incredible Dr. Pol. When the pandemic hit, that job became remote. Kyle graduated a year later, and approached me about the possibility of moving out to LA. We had always talked about it in high school- pursuing our dreams in film & TV - but it seemed all the more possible when we had each other to lean on. In September of 2021, we packed our little Ford sedans to the brim, and made the road trip out here from Roanoke, VA.
Since moving to LA, Kyle and I have jumped at work opportunities while pursuing our personal creative endeavors through our production company, Who's Driving? Productions. Kyle worked as a PA on many different sets, spent time as a camera operator for a highly successful YouTube channel, and most recently works as a media manager for live sports television. Caleb has been able to work his way up in National Geographic, working on other projects and earning Online Editor and Junior Editor credits.
Our first creative project was a spoof of ABC's "The Bachelor," called 'Ready to Mingle.' Kyle wrote a pilot, and he wanted to turn that pilot into a proof-of-concept short that he directed. The next project was an ambitious Sci-Fi Noir/Melodrama called "We Need Mirrors," which Caleb wrote and directed, playing in some festivals now. Kyle and I next came together to co-write, co-direct, and co-star in an Adventure Stoner Comedy short film called "Joint Venture." That project is in edit now. We've also worked for hire for other young creatives, producing short films and music videos.
-Caleb Turner